Homosexuals, Aids, and Cirrhosis









It is not factual. There's no proof that anybody has ever gotten aids from their partner, either heterosexual or homosexual. It is a casual connection, not scientifically proven.

There are 273 couples where one of them has been infected for up to 28 years, and none of the partners have gotten it. None of the partners have gotten HIV.


But you're thinking the only way that it could move is by injection.


Injection. That's it.


So, I'm not saying wrong, but are there statistics that would suggest that?


Well, all the people that I know who got HIV all had the hepatitis vaccine.

That was the War Department's use of it. They put it in the hepatitis vaccine because in the 70s and 80s, 90% of the people getting hepatitis were homosexuals. They were doing a lot of drugs, a lot of amyl nitrate, and damaging the livers. So, they were getting hepatitis, which is a virus which breaks down the toxic liver tissue, so that you can regenerate it and get well.

So, viruses are good. We use viruses when we can use bacteria and parasites, and molds because it's too toxic. They go in and eat that organic tissue, this pollution, get poisoned, and they die. So you cannot use those to clean that liver because you've got all those heavy metals from the drugs.

So, the body uses solvents, which are virus, cellular made soaps.

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